Distribution & Agency 2018: Switzerland
in: Getting the Deal Through: Distribution & Agency 2018, Andre R. Jaglom (Hrsg.), Law Business Research Ltd.
Braun Martina / Conti Carlo / Künzler Oliver
GLI – Pricing & Reimbursement 2018
Every resident in Switzerland is mandatorily obliged to be covered by basic healthcare insurance which provides for a wide range of services. Persons with lower incomes are in principle granted reductions on the premiums payable for such basic healthcare insurance. Thus, every resident in Switzerland is granted access to affordable healthcare.
Das Recht des Gläubigers zur Einsicht in den Geschäfts- und den Revisionsbericht
AJP 4/2018, S. 448 ff.
Newsletter 1/18: When do you need trademark protection in addition to your business name?
Sometimes, persons setting up a company are confident that their business name is adequately protected by registering the company in the Commercial Register and believe that this sufficiently prevents third parties from using their name. This newsletter explains the implications of protecting a Business name and the circumstances in which it is advisable to also register a trademark.
Bachmann Roland
Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Praxisänderung im Regressrecht
Anmerkungen zum Urteil 4A_602/2017 vom 7. Mai 2018, HAVE 3/2018
Les fusions d’hôpitaux sous l’angle du droit de la concurrence
in: AJP/PJA 3/2018, pp. 344-353.
Mosimann Peter
Anmerkungen zum Schiedsspruch des Schweizerischen Bühnenschiedsgerichts vom 13.03.2017
In: KUR 2018, S. 14 ff.
«Vogue» doch keine berühmte Marke
In: sic! Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht, sic-online 2/2018, 057
Braun Martina
Totalrevision des GUMG
In: LES Newsletter 1-18, Zürich 2018
Construction and projects in Switzerland: overview
Practical Law, Global Guide 2017/18