Oliver Künzler


Oliver Künzler is a partner in the practice group Corporate and Commercial. He deals primarily with international and national M&A transactions, restructurings and reorganisations, private equity and venture capital transactions and financings. He also advises shareholders and companies on all aspects of contract, commercial and corporate law.

He further specialises in advising small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly with respect to business succession and structuring.

Oliver Künzler regularly publishes and speaks on topics of contract, commercial and corporate law. He is active in several national and international professional organisations and serves as an expert on business succession.

Practice Areas:

Corporate and Commercial
Life Sciences and Health Law
Responsible Business Conduct / ESG
Banking and Finance
Insolvency and Restructuring


Chair Communication Group European Regional Forum of the International Bar Association
Member of the Board HRG Hotels Swiss Services AG
Member of the Board HRG Hotels Swiss AG
Member of the Board Hospitality Swiss Proco AG
Member of the Board SOGEMCO
Member of the Board KCM Holding AG
Member of the Board SportScheck AG
Member of the Board and Expert at KMU Next
Member of the Community School Board Egg/Zürich (2014 - 2022)
Member of the Think Tank on business succession of the FHNW University
Member of the Management Board Hotels by HR Zürich Airport GmbH
Member of the Management Board Vienna House Schaffhausen GmbH
Member of the Management Board Hotels by HR Dritte GmbH
Member of the Appeals Commission SwissTennis 
Member of the Board CC Invest 11 AG
Member of the municipal council in Egg b. Zürich
Board of Trustes of Alters- and Pflegezentrum Loogarten



2015 Partner Wenger Plattner
2006 Attorney at Law Wenger Plattner
2006 University of Zurich (Dr. iur.)
2004 Research assistant for tax, finance and administrative law at the legal sciences institute of the University of Zurich
2004 Bar admission
2003 Trainee at Homburger
2002 University of Zurich (lic. iur.)

Selected publications:

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Asset Transfer Agreements under Swiss Law
in: Wolters Kluwer: International Business Transactions, Published Sep 2023, Reviewed Jul 2023

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

The Pharma Legal Handbook
Market Access & Health Technology Assessment Switzerland, Pharma Board Room, London 2023

Konkurseröffnung ohne vorgängige Betreibung (Zahlungseinstellung)
In: Kommentierte Musterklagen zur Zwangsvollstreckung und zu den Rechtsmitteln, Fischer Willi/Theus Simoni Fabiana/Gessler Dieter (Hrsg.), 2. A., Band V, Zürich 2022, S. 71 ff.

GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2022
GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2022, Fifth Edition, p. 218 - 227

Why lawyers should never underestimate the importance of communication
Online at www.ibanet.org

Revision des Schweizer Aktienrechts: Modernisierung und Flexibilisierung
Die Reform zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Aktienrechts erhielt nach rund zehn Jahren Projektdauer am 19. Juni 2020 die endgültige Zustimmung des Parlaments. Sie modernisiert das Schweizer Aktienrecht unter Beibehaltung seiner Kernprinzipien und betrifft u.a. das Aktienkapital, die Corporate Governance, Aktionärsrechte, Vergütungen, das Sanierungsrecht und die Vertretung der Geschlechter. Die Revision wird die Schweiz als Unternehmensstandort noch attraktiver machen. Entgegen ersten Ankündigungen ist mit dem Inkrafttreten der Gesetzesrevision voraussichtlich erst im Jahr 2023 zu rechnen. In: Steuer- & Finanzratgeber für Unternehmen, Newsletter 09, Oktober 2021, S. 2-4

GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2021
GLI – Pricing & Reimbursement 2021, Fourth Edition, p. 195 - 204

Newsletter 1/21: Modernisation of Swiss Company Law
After a project lasting ten years, the extensive revision to company law is (finally) being implemented. The provisions relating to gender quotas and transparency rules for commodity companies (both with a transition period) already entered into force on 1 January 2021; the main part will enter into force in 2022. Key features of the new law are the introduction of new principles on corporate governance such as those relating to gender quotas and transparency regulations for commodity companies. The revision also includes a variety of simplified procedures and clarifications, in particular more flexibility for changes to share capital, the permissibility of interim dividends and purely virtual general meetings. Read our newsletter to find out what opportunities the revised law will offer, but also what duties will require action.

Unternehmenskäufe im aktuellen Umfeld – Chancen und Herausforderungen
Die Coronakrise beeinflusst die gesamte Wirtschaft weltweit und somit auch den Unternehmenskauf. Trotz der gegenwärtigen Unsicherheiten bestehen attraktive Möglichkeiten für Transaktionen, wenn die entsprechenden Massnahmen zur Risikominimierung getroffen werden.

GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2020
Every resident in Switzerland is mandatorily obliged to be covered by basic healthcare insurance which provides for a wide range of services. Persons with lower incomes are, in principle, granted reductions on the premiums payable for such basic healthcare insurance. Thus, every resident in Switzerland is granted access to affordable healthcare. In general, therapeutic products are only reimbursed if they are listed on the so-called specialty list. In order to be listed thereon, a medicinal product must be admitted by the competent Swiss authority, and must satisfy the criteria of effectiveness, functionality and economic efficiency, based on which the maximum price for the therapeutic product in question is determined.

Newsletter 1/20: Developments with respect to shareholder and LLC member disclosure requirements and partial elimination of bearer shares
To combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, disclosure obligations were introduced already on 1 July 2015. On 1 November 2019, these disclosure obligations were clarified in part and new criminal sanctions for the event of non-compliance with them entered into effect. In addition, bearer shares were eliminated in part.

Corona-Pandemie: Rechtliche Auswirkungen des Corona-Virus
Fragen und Antworten

The Pharma Legal Handbook Switzerland
Regulatory, Pricing and Reimbursement Overview · Preclinical and Clinical Trial Requirements · Marketing, Manufacturing, Packaging and Labeling Advertising · Traditional Medicines and OTC Products · Product Liability · Patents and Trademarks · Regulatory Reforms | Pharma Board Room, London 2020

Corona-Pandemie: Verträge in der Krise
Was ist bei Verträgen in der aktuellen Krise zu beachten?

Vom Manager zum Eigentümer – eine Win-win-Situation
In: Wirtschaftsguide 2020 (Sonderbeilage der SonntagsZeitung vom 16.2.2020)

Key issues of Swiss private M&A in the technology sector
In: Practical Law Private Mergers and Acquisitions global guide, Thomson Reuters, February 2020

GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2019
Every resident in Switzerland is mandatorily obliged to be covered by basic healthcare insurance which provides for a wide range of services. Persons with lower incomes are, in principle, granted reductions on the premiums payable for such basic healthcare insurance. Thus, every resident in Switzerland is granted access to affordable healthcare. In general, therapeutic products are only reimbursed if they are listed on the so-called specialty list. In order to be listed thereon, a medicinal product must be admitted by the competent Swiss authority, and has to satisfy the criteria of effectiveness, functionality and economic efficiency, based on which the maximum price for the therapeutic product in question is determined.

Generalversammlung: Nichtigkeit von Beschlüssen einer aktienrechtlichen Universalversammlung
In: E-Letter WEKA Recht vom 25.9.2019

Key issues of Swiss private M&A in the technology sector
This article analyses selected current and future challenges in the technology sector, focusing on typical legal risks and challenges, typical legal structure of tech deals under Swiss law, dealing with legal risks and challenges in tech deals, and challenges of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

LexisNexis® M&A Law Guide 2019
The sixth annual complimentary guide to understanding M&A practices around the world with an Asia-Pacific focus

Praxisratgeber zur Planung und Strukturierung der Unternehmensnachfolge
Vertrags- und gesellschaftsrechtliche Umsetzung / Güter- und erbrechtliche Umsetzung / Steuerliche Umsetzung

GLI – Pricing & Reimbursement 2018
Every resident in Switzerland is mandatorily obliged to be covered by basic healthcare insurance which provides for a wide range of services. Persons with lower incomes are in principle granted reductions on the premiums payable for such basic healthcare insurance. Thus, every resident in Switzerland is granted access to affordable healthcare.

LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2018
Jurisdictional Q&A - Switzerland

Newsletter 4/17: EU General Data Protection Regulation: Implications for Swiss businesses
Extensive efforts are currently underway to bring data protection law in line with rapid technological developments. These initiatives include the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) which applies within the EU from 25 May 2018. Although the EU GDPR is not directly applicable in Switzerland, many Swiss businesses fall within its scope.

Praktische Umsetzung der neuen Meldepflichten
In: KMU-Magazin Nr. 10/2017

Challenges and key aspects of life sciences M&A in Switzerland
in: Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, Global Life Sciences Guide 2017

Newsletter 1/17: Practical implementation of the new disclosure requirements for shareholders and LLC members
The new disclosure requirements for acquirers of shares and limited liability company (“LLC”) capital contributions have led to considerable uncertainty in practice. The purpose of these requirements is to enable information to be obtained on both the owners and beneficial owners of companies limited by shares or LLCs. There are harsh sanctions for failure to comply with disclosure obligations: membership rights will be suspended and property rights may lapse. In practice, many questions remain unanswered with regard to implementation. Some possible approaches are set out below.

Planung und Strukturierung der Unternehmensnachfolge – vertrags- und gesellschaftsrechtliche Umsetzung
Die Unternehmensnachfolge ist eine der wichtigsten langfristigen unternehmerischen Aufgaben in einem KMU. Die Nachfolgeproblematik betrifft eine Schnittstelle im Leben des Unternehmers, welche verschiedenste Teilaspekte betrifft. Es gibt dabei zahlreiche Interessen zu berücksichtigen, namentlich in Bezug auf Vorsorge und Vermögen, Familie, das Unternehmen selbst, dessen Angestellte, Lieferanten und Kunden, sowie die Banken.

Konkurseröffnung ohne vorgängige Betreibung (Zahlungseinstellung) (in German)
In: Kommentierte Musterklagen zur Zwangsvollstreckung und zu den Rechtsmitteln, Fischer Willi/Theus Simoni Fabiana/Gessler Dieter (Hrsg.), Band V, Zürich 2016, S. 35 ff.

LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017
Jurisdictional Q&A - Switzerland

The life sciences, drugs and healthcare industry in 2016 and beyond: trends and predictions
Edited by Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, London (June 2016)

Challenges and key aspects of life sciences M&A in Switzerland
In: Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, Global Life Sciences Guide 2016/2017

Neue Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Aktionärsdarlehen und Cash Pools (in German)
In: CH-D Wirtschaft 3/2015 (Journal der Handelskammer Deutschland-Schweiz)

Challenges and key aspects of life sciences M&A in Switzerland
In: Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, Global Life Sciences Guide 2015/2016 | Private M&A Guide 2015/2016

Was Unternehmer über M & A-Transaktionen wissen sollten (in German)
In: KMU-Magazin 3/2013, S. 70

Wie Sie unnötige Gerichtsprozesse vermeiden (in German)
In: Zürcher Wirtschaft, 15 March 2012, p. 16

Konzernübertragung im Privat- und Steuerrecht (in German)
Schriften zum Steuerrecht Nr. 17, Zürich 2006


Dr. Oliver Künzler
Attorney at Law
Wenger Plattner
Attorneys at Law Tax Advisors Public Notaries
Seestrasse 39 | P.O. Box
8700 Küsnacht-Zürich

T +41 43 222 38 00
F +41 43 222 38 01


Bar admission (2004)


German, English, French, Italian
