Banking and Finance

Regulatory matters

We advise legal entities (including banks, asset managers, and securities dealers) on regulatory issues and act on their behalf in dealings with Swiss regulatory bodies and self-regulatory organisations (FINMA, SIX Swiss Exchange etc.).

Incorporation, restructuring, compliance, and money laundering prevention

We assist financial institutions with incorporation, drafting agreements and terms of business, and obtaining permits. We also have expertise in advising on compliance and anti-money laundering matters.

Comprehensive advice on other financial market issues

We also provide advice on setting up investment funds and amending fund regulations, as well as compliance with stock exchange regulations. Our services also include drafting issue prospectuses, additional terms and conditions and agreements of all kinds in relation to financial market issues.


Further specialists


Organtätigkeit in Sitz- und Holdinggesellschaften
EXPERT FOCUS (02/2021), p. 66-71

Focus on FinTech, National report of Switzerland
55th Annual AIJA Congress, Tokyo (August 2017)

Finance for your clients: Harmonisation of Capital Markets, National report of Switzerland
54th Annual AIJA Congress, Munich

Umgang mit Tax-Compliance-Risiken bei Banken M&A
In: GesKR 2/2016, S. 211 ff.

All publications