Damian Schai


Damian Schai is a partner in the IP and IT as well as the Life Sciences and Health Law practice groups. He advises companies and private clients in all areas of intellectual property and represents them before the courts. A focus of his practice is on the protection, defense, and legal enforcement of trademarks worldwide. He has broad experience in other intellectual property law and related disciplines, such as copyright law, the laws governing personal rights, names and company names, the law against unfair competition and data protection.

In the area of IT, Damian Schai provides clients with advice and support, particularly in contract law issues (such as in the areas of software and software development, hosting and other IT providers, eCommerce and licenses). He can also draw on a broad experience in the areas of employment law, contract law, and civil procedure that he gained as a law clerk and in numerous court proceedings as a lawyer. He maintains a holistic approach when advising clients and also takes into account aspects of other legal areas.

Practice Areas:

IP and IT
Litigation and Arbitration
Life Sciences and Health Law
Employment Law


Member of foundation and executive boards of non-profit organizations


2020 Partner at Wenger Plattner
2017 Partner at Lenz Caemmerer
2016 Managing Director at LC Markenpraxis GmbH
2009 Attorney at law at Lenz Caemmerer
2009 University of Basel (Dr. iur.)
2005 Clerk at the Commercial Court of the Canton of Aargau
2005 Attorney at law
2003 Traineeship and extraordinary law clerk at the Commercial Court of the Canton of Aargau
2002 University of Basel (lic. iur.)

Selected publications:

Life Sciences & Pharma IP Litigation Switzerland 2024
In: Chambers and Partners, London 2024, p. 314-331

Beweislastverteilung im markenrechtlichen Verfallsverfahren – Wie weit dürfen Vorschriften zur Darlegung des Sachverhalts gehen?
Urteil des EuGH vom 10. März 2022, C-183/21, «Maxxus/Globus» in: sic! 2023, Nr. 7-8 (Co-Autoren)

Besprechung der Dissertation «Bestimmung der Art und des Umfangs der Rechtseinräumung im Urheberrechtsvertrag» von Corina Bötschi
in: sic! 2021, Nr. 12 (Co-Autoren)

Copyright 2022 - A practical cross-border insight into copyright law
In: The International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG), 8th Edition, London 2021, pp. 96-101

Newsletter 2/20: Brexit: Trade marks with protection for the European Union (“EU trade marks”) – what do owners need to look out for and do?
Do you own a trade mark that is protected throughout the entire European Union (“EU trade mark”)? Do you regularly review whether the trade marks you own still correspond to their current use and are thus “fit” for the future? In both cases, we recommend that you read our newsletter and hope that it provides you with food for thought regarding the maintenance of your trademark portfolio now, with Brexit happening, and in the future. We would be pleased to assist you at any time.

Vorsorglicher Rechtsschutz im Immaterialgüterrecht – Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung superprovisorischer Anordnungen des aargauischen Handelsgericht
Zürich 2010 (zugleich Dissertation 2009)

Der Streitwert vor dem Handelsgericht des Kantons Aargau, in: Leupold et al. (Hrsg.), Der Weg zum Recht, Festschrift für Alfred Bühler
Zürich 2008, S. 111 ff.

Vorbezüge aus der zweiten Säule für Wohneigentum im Scheidungsfall
In: BJM 2006, S. 57 ff.


Dr. Damian Schai
Attorney at Law
Wenger Plattner
Attorneys at Law Tax Advisors Public Notaries
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4010 Basel

T +41 61 279 70 00
F +41 61 279 70 01


Bar admission (2005)


German, English, French
