Litigation and Arbitration
Our Litigation team has a wealth of experience and expertise in litigation and arbitration across the full spectrum of civil and commercial law matters. We have particular expertise in insolvency, corporate and real estate law as well as employment, inheritance and art law issues. We set up our teams according to the needs of clients, combining dispute resolution know-how with industry practice to achieve top-quality results for our clients.
Hands-on representation
Our work includes advising and representing Swiss and foreign companies, individuals and government agencies in a range of contentious matters before Swiss courts and administrative authorities and national and international arbitration tribunals. We are happy to assist with enforcement matters, mutual assistance procedures and interim relief proceedings. Several of our specialists also serve as part-time judges for national courts and as arbitrators. This ensures that our lawyers keep abreast of court decisions and practice.
Proactive, solution-oriented approach
We take a proactive approach to safeguarding the interests of our clients, focusing on specific solutions. At every stage in the process, we are committed to finding ways to resolve disputes amicably in a time and cost-effective manner.
Further specialists
Berne André S.
Die Verfahrensbeteiligung von Arbeitslosenkassen – Die Subrogation nach Art. 29 und 54 AVIG und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Zivilverfahren
in: ZZZ 2024, S. 127 ff.
Hostettler Yannick
Rezension der Dissertation «Vorprozessuale Prioritätssicherung, Rechtshängigkeitssperre durch vorprozessuale Streitbeilegungsverfahren im europäischen Zivilprozessrecht» von Julian Duventäster
in: Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ), Jahrgang 88 (2024) / Heft 1, S. 170-175
Bachmann Roland
Streitverkündung und Streitverkündungsklage: «ménage à trois» im Zivilprozess
In: Frédéric Krauskopf / Adrian Rothenberger (Hrsg.), HAVE Haftpflichtprozess 2023, Das Rechtsbegehren, S. 95-122
Herzfeld Adam / Otto Carsten
Pre-trial rights of information and inspection under Swiss law
Bi-Annual Newsletter of the AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers Litigation Commission, 1/2023.