Suzanne Eckert


Suzanne Eckert is counsel on the Corporate and Commercial team. She advises individuals and legal entities on all aspects of Swiss corporate law and the law governing associations and foundations, including incorporation, restructuring, relocation, reorganisation, acquisitions, sales and liquidations. She also assists in drafting all necessary agreements and regulations between shareholders, governing bodies and third parties. She has many years of experience in dealing with Commercial Registries in particular. She also advises on general contract law.

Practice Areas:

Corporate and Commercial
Insolvency and Restructuring
Private Clients
Responsible Business Conduct / ESG


1997 Attorney at Law Wenger Plattner
1996 Trainee Schellenberg & Haissly, Zurich (today: Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd)     
1995 Law clerk District Court of Meilen/Zürich
1992 Associate with the legal division at the Register of Commerce of the Canton of Zurich
1990 Universities of Zurich and Geneva (lic. iur.)


Selected publications:

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Newsletter 1/21: Modernisation of Swiss Company Law
After a project lasting ten years, the extensive revision to company law is (finally) being implemented. The provisions relating to gender quotas and transparency rules for commodity companies (both with a transition period) already entered into force on 1 January 2021; the main part will enter into force in 2022. Key features of the new law are the introduction of new principles on corporate governance such as those relating to gender quotas and transparency regulations for commodity companies. The revision also includes a variety of simplified procedures and clarifications, in particular more flexibility for changes to share capital, the permissibility of interim dividends and purely virtual general meetings. Read our newsletter to find out what opportunities the revised law will offer, but also what duties will require action.

Newsletter 1/20: Developments with respect to shareholder and LLC member disclosure requirements and partial elimination of bearer shares
To combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, disclosure obligations were introduced already on 1 July 2015. On 1 November 2019, these disclosure obligations were clarified in part and new criminal sanctions for the event of non-compliance with them entered into effect. In addition, bearer shares were eliminated in part.

Newsletter 1/17: Practical implementation of the new disclosure requirements for shareholders and LLC members
The new disclosure requirements for acquirers of shares and limited liability company (“LLC”) capital contributions have led to considerable uncertainty in practice. The purpose of these requirements is to enable information to be obtained on both the owners and beneficial owners of companies limited by shares or LLCs. There are harsh sanctions for failure to comply with disclosure obligations: membership rights will be suspended and property rights may lapse. In practice, many questions remain unanswered with regard to implementation. Some possible approaches are set out below.


Suzanne Eckert lic. iur.
Attorney at Law
Wenger Plattner
Attorneys at Law Tax Advisors Public Notaries
Seestrasse 39 | P.O. Box
8700 Küsnacht-Zürich

T +41 43 222 38 00
F +41 43 222 38 01


Bar admission (1997)


German, English, French
