Martina Braun


Martina Braun is counsel and a member of the IP and IT team. She advises and represents companies, foundations and individuals on all aspects of intellectual property law and information technology, with a particular focus on copyright, trademarks and data protection. Her key area of expertise is advising on contract law. She specialises in particular in licensing and sponsorship agreements in the sports and entertainment sector. She also deals with various questions related to personality rights.

Martina Braun completed her doctoral thesis on copyright law and recently completed a CAS in international sports law.

Practice Areas:

IP and IT
Private Clients
Corporate and Commercial
Life Sciences and Health Law


2022 CAS International Sports Law
2012 Attorney at Law Wenger Plattner
2010 University of Lausanne (Dr. iur.)
2008 Law clerk at the District Court of Uster
2006 Research assistant at the CEDIDAC (Center of Business Law) at the University of Lausanne
2005 University of Lausanne (lic. iur.)


Selected publications:

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Digital Health Laws and Regulations Switzerland 2024
In: The International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG), Fifth Edition, London 2024, p. 205-213

Besprechung der Habilitation «Publizität und Register im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz» von Gregor Wild
in: sic! 2023, Nr. 10

Beweislastverteilung im markenrechtlichen Verfallsverfahren – Wie weit dürfen Vorschriften zur Darlegung des Sachverhalts gehen?
Urteil des EuGH vom 10. März 2022, C-183/21, «Maxxus/Globus» in: sic! 2023, Nr. 7-8 (Co-Autoren)

GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2022
GLI - Pricing & Reimbursement 2022, Fifth Edition, p. 218 - 227

Besprechung der Dissertation «Bestimmung der Art und des Umfangs der Rechtseinräumung im Urheberrechtsvertrag» von Corina Bötschi
in: sic! 2021, Nr. 12 (Co-Autoren)

Kommentar zu Art. 17 HMG
In: Eichenberger/Jaisli/Richli (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar zum Heilmittelgesetz, 2. Aufl., Basel, 2022

Newsletter 2/21: The revised Swiss Data Protection Act (FADP): Changes and their impact on companies
In fall 2020, the Swiss Parliament adopted the total revision of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP). The revised FADP is expected to enter into force mid-2022. The purpose of the total revision is to bring the FADP into line with the rapid changes in technology, the changed social circumstances, and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) that entered into force in 2018.

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Employee Incentives
This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of employee incentives laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Beurteilung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Arzneimitteln im Rahmen der dreijährlichen Überprüfung
Urteil Bundesverwaltungsgerichts BVGer C-6093/2018 vom 17. März 2020, LSR 2020, S. 163

The Intellectual Property Review, Chapter 20 Switzerland
Andrea Strahm / Martina Braun / Yannick Hostettler / Melanie Müller, Eighth Edition, London 2019, pp. 248-259

LexisNexis® M&A Law Guide 2019
The sixth annual complimentary guide to understanding M&A practices around the world with an Asia-Pacific focus

Totalrevision des GUMG
In: LES Newsletter 1-18, Zürich 2018

Newsletter 4/17: EU General Data Protection Regulation: Implications for Swiss businesses
Extensive efforts are currently underway to bring data protection law in line with rapid technological developments. These initiatives include the new General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) which applies within the EU from 25 May 2018. Although the EU GDPR is not directly applicable in Switzerland, many Swiss businesses fall within its scope.

Challenges and key aspects of life sciences M&A in Switzerland
in: Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, Global Life Sciences Guide 2017

Le droit moral de l’artiste interprète (in French)
In: ASR 770, Dissertation Lausanne, Bern 2010

Actualités du droit des contrats, le contrat à la croisée des chemins
In: CEDIDAC 77, Lausanne 2008 (Editor)

E-banking et e-trading, Les activités bancaires en ligne et le commerce des valeurs mobilières sur le Net (in French)
In: CEDIDAC 75, Lausanne 2007 (Editor)


Dr. Martina Braun
Attorney at Law
Wenger Plattner
Attorneys at Law Tax Advisors Public Notaries
Seestrasse 39 | P.O. Box
8700 Küsnacht-Zürich

T +41 43 222 38 00
F +41 43 222 38 01


Bar admission (2011)


German, French, English
