Bachmann Roland / Berger Valérie / Braun Martina / Burkhalter Roland / Eckert Suzanne / Künzler Oliver / Mühlemann Markus

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in


This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Berger Valérie / Künzler Oliver

Asset Transfer Agreements under Swiss Law


in: Wolters Kluwer: International Business Transactions, Published Sep 2023, Reviewed Jul 2023

Bachmann Roland / Berger Valérie / Burkhalter Roland / Eckert Suzanne / Künzler Oliver / Mühlemann Markus

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Doing Business in


This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of doing business in laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.

Berne André S.

Verantwortlichkeit und Haftung der Verwaltung


in: Theus Simoni/Hauser/Bärtschi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer Genossenschaftsrecht, Basel 2022, S. 469 ff., (gemeinsam mit A. Kellerhals)

Künzler Oliver

Why lawyers should never underestimate the importance of communication


Online at

Künzler Oliver

Revision des Schweizer Aktienrechts: Modernisierung und Flexibilisierung


Die Reform zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Aktienrechts erhielt nach rund zehn Jahren Projektdauer am 19. Juni 2020 die endgültige Zustimmung des Parlaments. Sie modernisiert das Schweizer Aktienrecht unter Beibehaltung seiner Kernprinzipien und betrifft u.a. das Aktienkapital, die Corporate Governance, Aktionärsrechte, Vergütungen, das Sanierungsrecht und die Vertretung der Geschlechter. Die Revision wird die Schweiz als Unternehmensstandort noch attraktiver machen. Entgegen ersten Ankündigungen ist mit dem Inkrafttreten der Gesetzesrevision voraussichtlich erst im Jahr 2023 zu rechnen. In: Steuer- & Finanzratgeber für Unternehmen, Newsletter 09, Oktober 2021, S. 2-4

Braun Martina / Meili Tobias

Newsletter 2/21: The revised Swiss Data Protection Act (FADP): Changes and their impact on companies


In fall 2020, the Swiss Parliament adopted the total revision of the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP). The revised FADP is expected to enter into force mid-2022. The purpose of the total revision is to bring the FADP into line with the rapid changes in technology, the changed social circumstances, and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) that entered into force in 2018.

Eckert Suzanne / Künzler Oliver

Newsletter 1/21: Modernisation of Swiss Company Law


After a project lasting ten years, the extensive revision to company law is (finally) being implemented. The provisions relating to gender quotas and transparency rules for commodity companies (both with a transition period) already entered into force on 1 January 2021; the main part will enter into force in 2022. Key features of the new law are the introduction of new principles on corporate governance such as those relating to gender quotas and transparency regulations for commodity companies. The revision also includes a variety of simplified procedures and clarifications, in particular more flexibility for changes to share capital, the permissibility of interim dividends and purely virtual general meetings. Read our newsletter to find out what opportunities the revised law will offer, but also what duties will require action.

Organtätigkeit in Sitz- und Holdinggesellschaften


EXPERT FOCUS (02/2021), p. 66-71

Bachmann Roland / Braun Martina / Solo de Zaldívar Cristina

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides | Switzerland: Employee Incentives


This country-specific Q&A provides an overview of employee incentives laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.