Gabrieli Daniel / Kern Nils
Newsletter 1/23: News about Foundation Law
With several hundred new foundations established each year, Switzerland continues to enjoy great popularity as a location for foundations. To further strengthen foundations in Switzerland and to meet the changing needs of foundations and their stakeholders, the law on foundations is undergoing change in some areas.
Gabrieli Daniel
Kommentar zu Art. 551-559 ZGB
in: Geiser/Wolf (Hrsg.), Basler Kommentar Zivilgesetzbuch II, 7. Auflage, St. Gallen/Bern 2023
Gabrieli Daniel
Privatautonomie und Willensvollstreckerhonorar
in: Spuren im Erbrecht, Festschrift für Paul Eitel, 2022, S. 423 ff.
Gabrieli Daniel
Newsletter 2/22: Liability of foundation boards
Switzerland remains very popular worldwide as a location for foundations. The number of foundations and the volume of the assets of foundations are growing. As the supreme governing body of a foundation, the foundation board is responsible for management of the assets of the foundation. In times of inflation and volatile stock markets, the risk of liability of foundation boards can be huge. This risk of liability affects not just charitable foundations, but also corporate foundations and employee benefits foundations. The foundation board may relieve itself of some of its responsibility through appropriate organisational measures.
Gabrieli Daniel
Neues Erbrecht: Weitere Etappe in Planung
In: Recht und Steuern, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 27.04.2022, Seite 12
Gabrieli Daniel
Erbstreitigkeiten oder Fragen rund ums Testament? Fachanwälte helfen weiter.
In: Fokus Rechtsguide, April 2022, Seite 18
Gabrieli Daniel
Newsletter 1/22: New inheritance law as of 1 January 2023
In its report «Modernization of Family Law» of 25 March 2015, the Swiss Federal Council noted that current family law does not adequately reflect social circumstances and also that the approximately hundred-year-old inheritance law does not reflect the today's diverse ways of life. The revision of the inheritance law was thus initiated. Parliament adopted the final draft of the revised law in the 2020 winter session. The new inheritance law will enter into effect on 1 January 2023.
Gabrieli Daniel
Statutenänderungen bei Familienstiftungen
In: Der letzte Wille, seine Vollstreckung und seine Vollstrecker, Festschrift für Hans Rainer Künzle, 2021, S. 277 ff.
Gabrieli Daniel
Betreibungsort bei einer Forderung gegen den Nachlass
In: successio 2021, Nr. 3/21, S 240 ff.
Tschirky Nicole
Newsletter 1/19: Foundations: Tips for founders and foundation boards
If, in addition to benefi tting family and friends, some of the assets of a person’s estate are intended for charitable purposes, foundations are often considered as possible recipients of these funds. It may, in some cases, also be necessary to transfer a proportion of the assets to a foundation or to set up a foundation while the person is still alive.