News 2021


Daniel Gabrieli - New Partner at Wenger Plattner

We are pleased to inform you that Daniel Gabrieli became a partner at our law firm on 1 December 2021.  read more


New Counsel as of 1 October 2021

We are very pleased to introduce our new Counsel as of 1 October 2021:  read more


Pablo Duc and Sereina Mader - New Partners at Wenger Plattner

We are pleased to introduce our new Partners.  read more


Herzliche Gratulation an Sonja Buric

Nach 1.5 Jahren berufsbegleitender Ausbildung durfte Frau Sonja Buric Ende Mai ihr Diplom als Dipl. HR-Leiterin NDS HF entgegen nehmen.  read more


Yannick Hostettler wurde am vergangenen Samstag zum Dr. iur. der Universität Basel promoviert.

Yannick Hostettler, Senior Associate am Standort Basel, durfte am vergangenen Samstag nach erfolgter Prüfung die Promotionsurkunde zum Dr. iur. mit dem Prädikat «summa cum laude» der Universität Basel entgegennehmen.   read more


Karin Graf in an interview with WWL Thought Leaders - Litigation 2021

Read the new interview on WWL Thought Leaders - Litigation 2021 Q&A with Karin Graf, Partner at Wenger Plattner  read more


Bilanz Ranking: Top Law Firm 2021

Wenger Plattner has been listed among the leading top Swiss law firm in 19 practice areas  read more


Newsletter 2/21: The revised Swiss Data Protection Act (FADP): Changes and their impact on companies

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new edition of our latest Newsletter  read more


Chambers Europe 2021

We are very pleased to inform you that Ms Karin Graf has been newly listed in the Chambers Europe rankings. Confirmed and still listed are Brigitte Umbach-Spahn, Karl Wüthrich and Fritz Rothenbühler  read more


Karin Graf ranked by Chambers Global

We are very pleased to inform you that Ms Karin Graf, Partner at Wenger Plattner, has been ranked by Chambers Global in the practice area Litigation.   read more