Responsible Business Conduct / ESG
To conduct business in a responsible, sustainable manner – often summarized under the acronym ESG – is of paramount importance for today’s economy, society and states. Besides environmental aspects («E»), the other two fundamental prerequisites of sustainability, i.e. social responsibility («S») and sound governance («G») increasingly enter the limelight.
Companies in Switzerland and abroad face a steadily and fast increasing amount of laws, recommendations, covenants, certifications and audits which seek to gauge and regulate their business activities from a responsible business conduct perspective.
How we can support you
We support you on all legal aspects of responsible business conduct (RBC), in particular the design or modification of your governance structures, the drafting of internal policies and guidelines, the design and implementation of due diligence concepts, the assessment and amendment of your supply chain management system, the assessment and enhancement of your risk mitigation concepts as well as your reporting on sustainability matters.
We further assist you by examining RBC-related legal risks in connection with transaction or the establishment of new business relationships with third parties, and will elaborate effective solutions to avoid or reduce such risks.
In RBC-related mediation, conciliation or litigation procedures, we safeguard your interests with engagement, competence and focus.
What distinguishes us
Our team unites a unique wealth of expertise from having worked for, respectively advised, large multinational enterprises (MNEs) over many years, particularly also with a focus on matters of responsible business conduct and corporate governance. Accordingly, we are very familiar with the typical complexity of such enterprises, which becomes evident especially in their business models, management and go-to-market structures and related processes. This proficiency enables us to support you and your colleagues in a focused, efficient and effective manner to develop and implement sound and practical solutions.
Further specialists
Meili Tobias
Rechtlicher Rahmen der Unternehmensverantwortung in der Schweiz
In: Fokus Rechtsguide, Tagesanzeiger, 4. November 2021, S. 6
Meili Tobias
Indirekter Gegenvorschlag zur Unternehmensverantwortungs-Initiative
Webinar zum Thema "Was bedeuten die neuen Pflichten für Ihr Unternehmen?"
In: Beider Basel Handelskammer
Meili Tobias
Responsible Business Conduct
After the public vote: New rules on responsible business conduct in Switzerland.
Meili Tobias
Wirksame Unternehmensverantwortung: Wieso der indirekte Gegenvorschlag die bessere Lösung ist
In: Beider Basel Handelskammer, 19.10.2020