Burkhalter Roland

Kommentar zu Art. 293-293b und Art. 296a SchKG


In: Schulthess Kommentar zum Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs SchKG, Kren Kostkiewicz Jolanta/Vock Dominik (Hrsg.), 4. Auflage, Zürich/Basel/Genf 2017, basierend auf der 1911 erschienenen 3. Auflage von Carl Jaeger

Plattner Placidus

Die Ersatzsicherheit für Bauhandwerkerpfandrechte


In: Baurecht 5/2017, S. 292 ff.

Künzler Oliver

Praktische Umsetzung der neuen Meldepflichten


In: KMU-Magazin Nr. 10/2017

Newsletter 3/17: Some reflections on negotiation strategies and dispute settlement


Resolving conflicts is expensive. At the outset, clients incur costs internally due to staff and managers spending time and energy on documenting and resolving disputes. Later on, expenses may arise in the form of attorney’s fees and court costs.

Dürig Benjamin

Focus on FinTech, National report of Switzerland


55th Annual AIJA Congress, Tokyo (August 2017)

Meili Tobias

„Wie ernst meinen es Schweizer Unternehmen mit verantwortungsvollem Wirtschaften?“ Streitgespräch zwischen Tobias Meili, Syngenta und Mark Herkenrath, Alliance Sud


In: Die Volkswirtschaft – Plattform für Wirtschaftspolitik, Nr. 7/2017, S. 38 ff.

Braun Martina / Künzler Oliver

Challenges and key aspects of life sciences M&A in Switzerland


in: Thomson Reuters, Practical Law, Global Life Sciences Guide 2017

Distribution & Agency 2017: Switzerland


in: Getting the Deal Through: Distribution & Agency 2017, Andre R. Jaglom (ed.), Law Business Research Ltd.

Hilber Sarah / Wetzel Thomas

Newsletter 2/17: Delusions and confusions surrounding Lex Koller


It was only in June 2014 that the Swiss Federal Parliament rejected motion 13.3975 calling for the ‘reinstatement of Lex Koller authorisation for real estate used for commercial purposes’ and motion 13.3976 calling for the ‘abolition of the privilege allowing the acquisition of shares in real estate funds and listed real estate companies under Lex Koller’. Yet the Federal Council has insisted that some of these proposals should be implemented under a revised Lex Koller regime and initiated a consultation process on 10 March 2017. The consultation period runs until 30 June 2017.

Eckert Suzanne / Künzler Oliver

Newsletter 1/17: Practical implementation of the new disclosure requirements for shareholders and LLC members


The new disclosure requirements for acquirers of shares and limited liability company (“LLC”) capital contributions have led to considerable uncertainty in practice. The purpose of these requirements is to enable information to be obtained on both the owners and beneficial owners of companies limited by shares or LLCs. There are harsh sanctions for failure to comply with disclosure obligations: membership rights will be suspended and property rights may lapse. In practice, many questions remain unanswered with regard to implementation. Some possible approaches are set out below.